Frequently Asked Questions

This is a selection of common questions. If your question is not answered here please email info@sahabamosque.ca for more information. 

How does the Mosque spend its money?

Current expenses have gone toward the mosques operational costs in the form of utilities, taxes, and labour costs. We have also invested in minor renovations of our downtown location and construction costs for our south-side expansion. The revenue raised from our ongoing Seeds of Success campaign will be put toward realizing our goal of a purpose built mosque, Islamic School, north-side prayer space and youth centre, as well as hiring a full-time executive director and part-time administrator to help grow the organization and better serve the community.

Why do we need a mosque and community centre in south Edmonton?

We want to be at the forefront of where the city is growing. With increased investments in our neighbourhood with a brand new hospital, high school, and light rail transit we could not be better situated to host new families in the fastest growing part of Edmonton. We understand, however, there are many families in the north end of the city that need our services. That is why part of our Seeds of Success campaign is about raising the capital needed to expand to the north end of the city. More updates on expansion plans soon.

How will the mosque be more inclusive of women?

The mosque has relied on the generous support of the mothers in our community for programming, outreach, and fundraising. We understand there is much work to do to better serve and include the women in our community in the decision making process and in shaping the future of our community. That is why we invite interested community members to join our leadership team in the upcoming board as well as committees. 

How does the mosque involve youth?

We recognize the youth of our community are not simply the future but a key stakeholder today. That is why we are bringing on some of the brightest and most active youth on-board in reshaping and growing Al Faruq Islamic Centre. We are working to become the most inclusive and welcoming Islamic institution in Canada
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